Meat in the Middle: Date Night with Your Plant-Based Partner (Eat Your Veggies Part 2)

“Hey babe, what’s for dinner?”

Chances are you’ve found yourself and your significant other in a fight over this question more times than you’d like to admit. Choosing a meal that both parties can agree upon doesn’t always happen easily, especially when it comes to meeting dietary restrictions. With ever-increasing popularity in vegan and vegetarian lifestyles, we wanted to make it easy for you to find places where you both can find something to eat. Meat lovers and vegans/vegetarians alike should be able to enjoy the same places together.

Check out these places in the Upstate that passed the test for both herbivores and carnivores.

Photo Contributors: Jennifer Brock, Karen Lano, Nicky Vanvalkenburgh
Digital Retouching: FishEye Studios, Greenville, SC

Jackie Brooker